Thursday, May 10, 2012


Cue Dancing Machine by the Jackson 5. Real music right there folks. Follow me on Twitter @Big_Dusty and get at me on…STRAIGHT TO IT!

Lately the big talk around the news has been about gay marriage. Now I’ve done my share of blogging around this issue. Even did a controversial blog on the “f-word” that is used for gay people. I think I went a little too far on that blog but I won’t delete it because it’s already been read for one, and for two, I can’t take it back. It was already typed. It kills me when famous people delete tweets like it wasn’t said. You already tweeted it people, even if you deleted it, you can guarantee somebody read it and already took a picture of the tweet. You can’t take it back. All you can do is apologize for it and move on with your life. I’ve said some things and done some things that I wish that I could take back. I missed out on opportunity after opportunity that I can’t get back. One of my trainers at work said this morning, you can possibly get back money, but you can’t get back time. That’s true. No matter what you do, you can’t get the time you wasted or missed back.

 I used to regret the things I did in the past. I mean I used to think of my past and little stop walking and try to shake my head to shake the memories away. I’d regret the opportunities I missed out. Regret is nothing but a setback. Move forward. Sorry for my mistakes. Sorry for my mess ups. Today I will strive to do better than I did yesterday. Yesterday I may have messed up, but today I got another chance. Don’t focus on regrets. Focus on the fact that you’re alive another day and it’s another chance. Think about it like this. The wages of sin is death. The payment for the sins you’ve committed or commit is death. Yet, you’re still alive. Chance. Grasp to this chance that you’re getting and take advantage! Run for your dreams. Run for your new reality. Your current reality doesn’t dictate your future reality.

If you’re tired of doing things the same way, if you’re tired of falling in the same trap, falling for the same sin…here’s a thought. Change. Change the way you do things. Change the way you live. You obviously know what to do to fall into the trap, now use this new day to avoid. Today start a new habit of not doing the current habits that you know is wrong.

Couple of days ago, the trainer was asking us if any of us have ever had a significant other or ever had a date. I don’t know for sure, but I must have been the only one in class shaking my head no to the questions. Now the old me would’ve started crying from depression. Crying from being hurt from all the eyes looking at me. But…I know there’s a reason that I’ve been single. There’s a reason I haven’t been on a date. There’s a reason that I’ve never been invited to parties. There’s a reason people never came to the parties I planned. There’s no reason to cry about it. There’s no reason to dwell on it. Today is a new day. New day, new chances. New day, new opportunities. In less than 2 weeks, I’ll be turning 25. What am I doing for my birthday? Maybe something. Maybe nothing. But rather I have a party or not, it’s not going to change the fact that God would have blessed  me to see another year. I know what God has done for me over this past year alone. 24 has been a year of experience. 25 I’m looking for better. New. I’m looking for new. If you want to ride with me, there’s plenty of room. If you don’t want to ride, I’m going to keep moving, don’t hurt yourself jumping out. I love me. If none of y’all love me, I love me. That was the problem. I didn’t love myself. I didn’t find myself worth anything. I thought throwing a party for my birthday would have people like me. I thought inviting people to a barbecue would have people like me. When nobody showed up, when my sister had to invite her friends so people would be there, and all I had planned was to watch movies….I didn’t love me. Look at me now.

I got readers out there that feel the same way. I got some readers out there that have been through. This blog is not so I can preach to myself. This is for all of you that have regret. This is for all of you that have been a screw up. This is for all of you that have been a loner. This is for all of you that felt that nobody cared about you. Learn to love yourself. Learn to like yourself. Find worth in yourself. Don’t look for worth from other people. Don’t get me wrong, when people say they’re proud of me, I smile. It makes me feel good. When I hear people say that God is proud of me. I smile. It makes me feel good. Now I can say, I’m proud of me. I love me. My heart now smiles. I feel good.

Stay Saved,

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