Tuesday, February 05, 2013


Cue He’ll Welcome Me by John P. Kee. Old School…one of the kings of the gospel music industry. And I move on—

So I was watching TBN Praise The Lord, also trying to work on a story that I’m working on. This point of the story the character is starting to feel guilty of all the stuff that’s happening in current situation. So then I started thinking about, this is how random my mind is, started thinking why is it so hard to get people into praise into Praise and Worship. Is it the clothes I’m wearing or not wearing? Is it the fact that I’m not hitting the right notes or I’m not singing the song correctly? I think it’ all comes down to people come in Sunday after Sunday expecting a show. Expecting for us as Praise and Worship leaders to kill ourselves for their enjoyment. A favorite line we as Praise and Worship leaders use is, “I’m not here to pump or prime you…” which is a line that hardly ever works by the way. Pump or primed? Why should we kill ourselves to get you to do what you were created to do anyway? Now if I could dance like a B. Slade or the late Michael Jackson or Sammy Davis, Jr. maybe I could garner a better reaction. But it irks me to no end when a praise and worship leader goes up on the stage and the congregation sits down and crosses arms and legs as if we’re supposed to impress them? Coming to church to be experienced not to experience the God in the church. Stay home with your attitude. Spirits transfer, people. Rather you believe or not. You acting or high and mighty is not only hindering the spirit, but it’s hindering the aints that walk in, also.

So then I come to Ephesians 6:11, “Put on all the armour that God gives you, so that you will be able to stand up against the Devil's evil tricks.” Some of us worry about what we’re going to wear day by day, but what about clothes that important? The armor of God. The Devil is going to steal, kill, and destroy. That’s what he does and that’s what he’s going to do. The problem is we don’t have the right clothes on to stand against his tactics. Which is why we can’t break habits. It’s sad when you come to a church service unarmed. Ephesians 6:12, “For we are not fighting against human beings but against the wicked spiritual forces in the heavenly world, the rulers, authorities, and cosmic powers of this dark age.” So what the person you usually sit beside talked bad about you or gave you a dirty look. Put on the right clothes.

Recently, I had about a couple of months worth of being the praise and worship leader at church. It was ok. But due to the reaction I got from the people in attendance, I thought I sucked every Sunday. I go up on the pulpit, and you could hear a pin drop. And the eyes looked like they were burning a hole through my soul. That’s how it felt. Trust me, I learned that you don’t do Praise and Worship for the reaction, but a good pat on the back some time is not a bad thing, right? I admit, more than a couple of Sundays, I was off my game, if you will. I was uncomfortable. Why? One, I didn’t do my part. My clothing attire was not correct, and by that I mean spiritual armor. Two, the atmosphere was not right. Sprit of heaviness in the atmosphere makes it tough for the flow of the service. Go to verse 13, ”So put on God's armour now! Then when the evil day comes, you will be able to resist the enemy's attacks; and after fighting to the end, you will still hold your ground.” Just sayin…

So as of this blog I now have no job. I got fired 1/28/2013. I didn’t have an emotional reaction to it. As a matter of fact my manager took it harder than I did. But that’s beside the point. So now comes job hunting again. Been down this road before. Expecting bigger and better things. Hopefully better money this time around. Definitely asking for prayers in that regard. Basically all I’m saying for this blog, is put on the right clothes. Stop putting all the pressure on the Praise and Worship leader or the Pastor for you to get your praise on. Enter his gates with thanksgiving and into His courts with Praise. We do our part, God will do His.

Stay Saved,

Daniel Richerson aka Big Dusty
@Big_Dusty on Twitter and Instagram