Friday, May 18, 2012


Cue Will You Be There by Michael Jackson. Free Willy? Yes! If you don’t know, look it up youngins! And now…

I posted a status on the book timeline about any ideas that any of my people, that would be you all, wanted to read from me on these blogs, and I was told by one of the peoples that he likes my random thoughts on things. I admit, my thoughts are on the random side. Yes they are. With that being said…

People work so hard on the physical that they forget that there’s a mental part of life as well. Nothing turns me off more than seeing a physically beautiful woman with a mouth that speaks nothing but filth. Cussing. It’s actually a shame or what I like to call it, buzz kill. Think about it, you see that girl that is so beautiful. Beautiful to the point where you get in your mind that, “Hey, I might try.” Then they talk, and all that buzz that was there is not there anymore. Seriously, some “beautiful” people shouldn’t talk. If they talk less, they might be able to keep a relationship for longer than a month. Boyfriend after boyfriend, and can’t stay steady. Even try to go to the other side, and still not satisfied. Listen to yourself, it could be you that’s the problem. You can be beautiful all you want, but if all you do is talk filth, that’s what you’re going to end up with. Filth.

You can yourself in to good and bad situations in your life. You can look good all you want for a job interview, but if you say the wrong thing, that could ax any chance you thought you had to get that job. Think about the movie Pursuit of Happyness. Remember that scene where the main character, Chris, went to that job interview in his regular pants, wife beater shirt, and a jacket? What got him that spot in the training program? His mouth. His speech. His talk. The reason you’re not getting that job is not about your race. The reason that you’re being “held back” is not because of your status in society. Could it possibly be that you’re talking your way out of where you should be?

The Bible states in Proverbs that life and death are in the power of the tongue. Talk like you got some sense. I know you’re from the hood. I know you were raised in the hip hop generation. Heck I was too. There’s a time and place for everything. You’re trying to better your life, start bettering your talk. Start bettering your speech. That may not be the end all be all, but it may be the start that is need.

Side note. Breath mints works wonders. Wonders. Buy them. Use them. Nothing worse talking somebody with breath that smells like dog crap….

Is it possible you can talk your way out of salvation? Can you talk your way into hell? I do know you can talk your way out of your witness. You’re witnessing to be a Christian, and you let out a four letter word because of “frustration.” Well your frustration just killed your witness, sir. Don’t get me wrong, we all get frustrated. May even get frustrated to the point where you want to cuss, but should you cuss? Granted it can be argued that you shouldn’t get that made in the first place, but what happens when you get that mad? It can and does happen. What do you do? Remember who you are would be a start. Remember what you proclaim to be. The same Bible you quote from has something in it that says basically that you can be angry, but don’t sin. Watch your mouth. That “excuse my French” thing is not working any more as an excuse.

Talk your way into a good relationship. Talk your way in that career you’re praying for. Talk your way into the life you deserve. Talk your way up. Stop talking yourself into filth. Stop talking yourself down. Stop talking yourself into relationship after relationship that never work out. How do you talk yourself positive? Well it is said that out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks. Get your heart right, then you’re mouth will get right.

Stay Saved,

Daniel Richerson
@Big_Dusty on Twitter

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