I'm going old school with this blog. It has been a while since I've done a blog this way. I'm writing this blog using pencil and paper. Yes you read it right, pencil and paper. The reason I'm doing it this way is because I think better this way. I can just think and write this way without worrying about a key getting stuck or the lap-top freezing up. FYI, I'm using the lap-top to listen to music. I'm listening to songs we sing at church to keep the songs in my head and to help me stay focused by putting life in my ears. By the way it's 11:55 at night Jan. 17, 2009.
So earlier tonight I read Psalm 119, the whole chapter. What I usually try to do daily, better yet what I should try to do daily, is i go to Bible.com, look at the daily verse, and read that whole chapter. Today it happened to be a verse from Psalm 119, the longest chapter in the Bible. I read the whole thing in the King James Version, and the Message Bible version. All in all it's a powerful chapter.
You know, I've made mistakes. Sometimes I forget to let go and let God. Time after time I take my eyes off the good and focus on the bad. I have a bad attitude that was inherited. I'm overweight. I've been called ugly. I've been depressed. I don't have many true friends, hardly any at all actually. Sometimes I feel like an outsider. And with all that said, God still loves me. In spite of, God still loves me. I may be judged by my appearance everywhere i go but God still loves me. I may be slow mentally sometimes, but God still loves me. What am I'm trying to say? God loves you. When you make a mistake, God loves you. When you've been hurt, God still loves you. John 3:16 says for God so loved the WORLD, which means he loves everybody. The song writer said, "It's not an ordinary love."
So Tuesday is approaching fast. This tuesday, if the Lord tarries, we will offically see the first Black President, or as I like to say, the first mixed President. Either way it's history. it's written in Proverbs 18, that the power of life and death lies on the tongue. I know some of you don't agree 100% with Obama's standards, but you can still speak life into the brother. If Obama makes any major mistakes, I'm going to do my best to speak life.
I hope you enjoyed this blog. I hope it blessed you in some way. This is probably the way I'm going to do blogs from now on. The last couple of blogs got no feedback at all. What's up with that? It's all good though. Y'all be good this week. Stay saved.
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