Thursday, October 30, 2008

Is Obama’s faith affecting your vote?

I know off the bat that this blog is going to tick some of you off. Some of you are going to cry and moan, but not tell me. Some of you are going to agree with what I'm going to say, but not tell me. And some of you already have exited the blog. Either way, this is all my opinion. I was chatting with my good friend PraiZe and this blog idea came to mind. So, with all that said, let's start the debate. Big Dusty, the floor is yours.

Is it important what Obama's faith is? I guess to a point it is, but shouldn't it be his own business? Now people went in an uproar because of his name, but come on now. Don't act like you haven't seen a black person with a strange name before. Jay Z calls himself J-Hovah, and there's no uproar for that, Christians? or should I say for some of you "Christians?" I actually know of a person whom will remain nameless...ok let's call him "JD"...who is making a video explaining why Obama's not a Christian. *faints* Give me a break sir. Ok Barack views may not agree with some of our morals. I understand that. BUT. George Bush was apparently for our "morals." Against gay marriage, against abortion...yada yada yada. Um, well good to see he did something about them in his 8 years in office. Oh huh, he didn't do anything about them....well crapacles. Let's say Obama may not be truly saved. Denzel Washington ain't truly save either, but he paid the building fund of a church in California. I don't think women are going to stop going to see Denzel in movies just because he cusses. Am I right? Now realistically the vote next week is between two people, McCain and Obama. I know there's others out running but do they have a chance? I say about as much of a chance of the Bengals winning Superbowl, but that's a different story. McCain and Obama has both flip flopped on what they said, McCain more than Obama has in my opinion. Both canadates have flaws. Oddly enough both are human and make mistakes. Before I end this I got something else to say because it's my blog. For all you people saying that Obama is the time you have a thought, let it go. Just shut up. Anyway, all I'm saying is, questioning a man's faith who is running for leadership of the greatest country in the world less than a week before we as a nation vote is a pansy move. Real pansy move. I hear people bringing up Jeremiah Wright and the fact that Obama was a member of that church. Obama doesn't control what Wright says or does people. As far as I know, Wright was a pastor which means he has a mind of his own. What happened with Wright, has nothing to do with Obama and the way he will run this country if he wins. To tell y'all the truth, I really can't wait for all this election mess to be over with and done. We as Christians, besides questioning a man's faith, should be praying that who ever is in God's will to be in the White House, will be in that White House in January. Let's stop this nonsense. Clark Sisters has a song called "Pray For the U.S.A." That's exactly what we got to do. So let me know what you think? If you agree of disagree. I'm done.


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