Friday, October 31, 2014


Ladies and gentlemen I have a problem. My problem is this new generation of saints or christians. When I was coming up, the truth was the truth. It wasn't judging. It was the truth. The folks that taught me believed what the bible says, the truth shall make you free. But we live in a generation now where you tell the saints what they're doing is wrong and a sin, they get offended and lash back like it's an argument. There was this famous line that was quoted many times after it was heard, "You can't handle the truth."

My mom told me in no certain terms one time that the truth is the truth no matter who says it. Like shacking up before marriage or cussing. Folks get real offended talking about that. Or the big one, homosexuality. No don't talk about homosexuality. Don't talk about shacking or cussing. Don't talk about why we don't celebrate certain days. I think the problem the devil is trying to shut our mouths. He knows he's heading to the lake of fire and he's trying to take any and everybody he can. I understand that the government is corrupt. We've known that for years. But let's not act like the body of Christ has been perfect. I think the same way we give the devil too much credit, I think we give the government too much credit. We got to take responsibility for our own actions at some point and time. Like black folk blaming the white man for everything.

Now I for one don't like to be singled out or judged if you will. One the many lines I quote often is, "Don't judge me." But yet and still, wrong is wrong. The world as well as the church has become such a "politically correct" society. I hate to tell you but the truth hurts. The truth will offend if you're not willing to be "transformed by the renewing of your mind." It is written, "With loving kindness have I drawn thee." There is a difference between condemning and showing loving kindness. I think we as a generation have been condemned so much that we don't know what loving kindness is. We don't know how to take the truth because we take EVERYTHING as condemning or judging if you will. But I got news for you, not everybody is trying to send you to hell. Some people are actually trying to help you. Stop being so sensitive, oh me. I say oh me, cause my pastor says often, "If you can't say amen, say oh me." .

I can't tell you what to do behind closed doors. I can't tell you how to live your life. But I suggest that you read and study the word for yourself so you can grow. A song I learned as a child says, "Read your bible, pray and everyday and you'll grow grow grow." Shout out to Sunshine Learning Center. Anyway, we got to learn how to accept help. We pray to God for help, he sends it, and then we reject it. Something's gotta give.

Stay Saved,

Daniel Richerson

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