Saturday, December 06, 2008

yo yo yo yo yo, yo, YO!

You have to be a fan of the WWE to know what the title means. Don't worry, it most likely has nothing to do with what this blog is going to talk about this week.

So this morning my mom left for her field assignment. She's on a two day drive on her way to Illinois. She's going to be gone for a year or more coming home once a month. It's really going to suck more than a hooker on a Friday night. Mom left me with a man that makes Oscar the Grouch the nicest man on Earth. I'm sorry to all family members and church members that are reading this in advance, but my dad is a pain. And it's going to be pure hell for the next year. I wouldn't blame my sister for not coming home at all, even if it's to do laundry. Now I'm not going to spend more time bashing the man that is my dad, but I am going to say that if anything's a wake up call for me to get myself together, this is it. If I don't get myself together as in get a job, get my license, etc. and just spend time by myself getting more depressed and more's nobody's fault but mine.

Now, changing the subject all together. Jack Black. I think he's a great performer. He's a great entertainer. With that said, I've lost a lot respect for him. There's a video circulating around, if you haven't seen it, with celebrities protesting the decision made in California on Prop 8. On one side they had celebrities impersonating priests and church members, and on the other side they had celebrities impersonating homosexuals. Then later in the video, Jack Black came out dressed out as Jesus. I guess that was supposed to be funny. If it was, you have to forgive me if I don't laugh. I don't find it funny playing with the Bible. I don't find it funny, or ok, making a joke of the Bible. In the video, or should I say, what I saw of it, the people mentioned the fact that in Leviticus it says that homosexuality is a detestable sin. Jack Black came out dressed as Jesus, as I said, with some shrimp saying that Bible said that shrimp was wrong. Now if you read around Leviticus 11:10 on, it does talk about not eating certain animals and other things. It does say that. But, if you go to Acts the 10th chapter, Peter was on a roof top hungry. And a blanket came from heaven with all kinds things that were considered an abomination in Leviticus. God told Peter to rise, kill and eat. Peter said in so many words, "How can I, when it's unclean." Then God said, "What I call clean, don't you call unclean." All this reminds me of when Satan tried to tempt Jesus by using the Word. Satan got schooled then, so why would he try to use celebrities to do the same thing. Another thing. I don't know about y'all, but God's wrath is something I don't want to play with. You can play with God's wrath, but not me sir. Not me.

I was thinking the other day. I have online friends, and I'm thankful for y'all. PraiZe, Yungtown, and others. Y'all my people. But there was a time when we as a family was living in a 2 story apartment. In the aparment complex, I used to have friends that I was actually in contact with. Two dudes Gregory and Dustin I met at random. I met Gregory while he was fishing with his Dad, and I forgot how I met Dustin, but that's beside the point. We were, in so many words, a clique. My sister was with us too. What I'm basically saying is that I had friends. We'd play outside. We'd go to each other's apartments and just chill. What happened to me that I've lost the ability to attract friends. It seems like after high school, I've become this loner that has gained a "nobody likes me, everybody hates me" type of thing. I've gained a lot of associates at church and where ever, but other than that...just mainly my online people I hit up. Sometimes I barely talk to them. Not on purpose by any means. So what's wrong with me? The Bible says if you want friends you have to show yourself friendly. I must not be doing a good job.

Thanks for reading. Subscribe!


P.S. If you must know I'm currently listening to "Jesus Be A Fence" by Fred Hammond. Noisy...:D

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