Thursday, August 25, 2016


"Jesus Christ the same yesterday, and today, and for ever" Hebrews 13:8

I learned that verse at a very young age. I was thinking about the "power" I heard the church used to have. Like there used to be wheel chairs and crutches on the walls. Then a question came to mind. Did the power change or did we forget how to use it? A better question might be did we ever learn how to use that power? We've seen the power in use, but were we ever taught how to use it? Either way I came to this conclusion, the power is still here. The church is still powerful. There's still power in the name of Jesus. Just because we don't use it right doesn't mean it doesn't exist.

There's an old song that says, "Hold to His hand. God's unchanging hand." I think part of the problem we've let go on God's hand and we're trying to hold on to the man made tradition. As what was said in the Eddie Murphy classic, Coming To America, "It's also a tradition that times must and always do change, my friend."

So what is the problem? Why is it that we don't see the same move of God that we hear the older generation talk about? Are we trying to do what they did in the old days, but are not using the same power source that they did? I noticed that some outlets don't work because the light switch is off. Maybe the power source is not working because our light is not shining like it's supposed to. We tend to think we can do what we want and still think that we can have power. I understand that God can and does use anybody he wants to to get the job done. Don't get me wrong, but I also understand that the Bible talks about you can't serve both God and mammon (Matthew 6:24). Also the Bible talks about that Jesus would rather us be hot or cold because if we're lukewarm, He'll spit us out His mouth (Revelation 3:15-16).

We got to get back to the basics of this. If we're going to be who we say we are, we got to get back to the basics. Like fasting and prayer. Like, I don't know, following the 10 commandments. Praying for folks and not participating in putting someone down.

Believe me, I'm not casting stones. I said, "We."

If we want to see God moved liked he did before, we got to be connected to the power source like the saints of old. What they did back then still works today. Not talking the man made traditions. I'm talking about the casting out of devils. People coming to Jesus. People getting filled with the Holy Ghost. It can happen in this new age. We got to get back to the Lord. We got to get back to preaching Jesus.

What or who is this source I keep talking about? The source is Jesus. The source is where your help comes from.

Psalm 121:1-2 "I will lift up mine eyes unto the hills, from whence cometh my help. My help cometh from the Lord, which made heaven and earth."

As the song writer put it, "Do you know Jesus? Does he live in your heart?"

Stay Saved,

Daniel Richerson

Thursday, August 04, 2016


I was driving and this hit me so hard that I had to remember I was driving. You know when that feeling of emotion hits you and you have to fight those tears from even starting up? So, Give it to Jesus, not social media. Every day on social media somebody is putting all their business on it with nothing to show for it. One major thing that can happen from putting it all out for the public to see is turmoil. Because people are just looking for a reason to try and cut you down like a tree. People are looking for a reason to hate you more than they already do. What happens when you put all your business on the internet? Usually nothing positive. The intent is, I'm guessing, is to receive some kind of help, because these people are supposed to be your friends, but sometimes all you get is your so-called friends gossipping about you when they said they were going to pray for you. There's a saying out there that says, "After you tried everything else, try Jesus." Why not try Jesus first?

Why not try the man who died for you? I don't remember reading anywhere how Facebook died for you. I don't remember reading anywhere that MySpace rose from the dead justifying you. Jesus is that man. Jesus is that guy. Jesus is that He. Jesus is whatever you need him to be. Jesus is that He. The He in Living He loved me, Dying He saved me, Rising He justified, freed me for ever, one day He's coming back, glorious Day. Jesus is that lily in the valley, bright as the morning star. Jesus was wounded for your transgressions. He was bruised for your iniquities. The chastisement of your peace was upon Him, and with His stripes you are healed. Jesus is that guy.

Song writer said, Jesus I'll never forget what you done for me/ Jesus I'll never for get how you set (made) me free/ Jesus I'll never forget how you brought me out/ Jesus I'll never forget/ No never. Now as soon as Social Media does ANY of that for me, I'll go to Social Media with my issues. As for me as my house, we will serve the Lord.

I was going through a little something. I blew up. I got, in lay men's terms, pissed off. I was ready to go on a tangent on Facebook. With this epic rant or shoot promo about the whole situation, but then I just talked to Jesus about it. Old hymn says, Have a little talk with Jesus/ Tell Him about your troubles/ He'll hear our faintest cry/ He'll answer by and by/ When you feel the prayer wheel turning/ And you know the fire is burning/ Just a little talk with Jesus will make it all right.

Talking to Jesus will relieve stress. Putting it all on social media will cause more stress than what you're already feeling. Venting to Jesus will do more for you than putting it on social media. People say their ear is always open, but to be real, that's a maybe because all of us get busy. Jesus is never too busy to hear you. And sometimes your posts get scrolled by because it's you that posted it. Jesus won't ignore you because of who you are. I'm so glad Jesus is not like some of y'all. 

Now I could've posted on social media what happened to me and why I got so pissed off, but would that have changed anything? Would that have calmed me down? Why give people some material when I just go to the man that can solve all my problems? Everybody tries to seem deep when you're the one going through. Thinking they have the answer for you. The song writer said, "Jesus is the answer for the world today. Above Him there's no other, Jesus is the way." It is written that Jesus is the way, the truth, and the life. No man gets to the Father (God) except through Him (Jesus).

When social media wasn't there, Jesus was there. We live in a time when people are looking for hope and the church is not giving an answer of where to find that hope. All that some of the churches seem to be doing is bashing the people looking for hope. We need less bashing and more helping. More conversation. Especially since some of us have been through what they are going through and we can help them find the pathway. We can help them find Jesus.

What a friend we have in Jesus. All our sins and grieves to bear. What a privilege to carry everything to God in prayer.

I call Him sweet peace. I call Him bread of life, I call him Comforter. He is Lord.

What can was away my sins? Nothing but the blood of Jesus. What can make me whole again? Nothing but the blood of Jesus.

Social Media is a good place to socialize, but if you're looking for answers, may I suggest going to the Answer. Not Allen Iverson. I'm talking about Jesus. 

Stay Saved,

Daniel Richerson