Thursday, March 05, 2015


Watching a service where Wess Morgan brought the word, I sent out a tweet that said, “the internet is not bad, it's what you do that's bad.” Stop putting the blame on what you’re using to do what you do. It’s not the internet, magazines, or dvds that’s the issue, it’s the heart that’s corrupt that’s the problem. What are you using the internet for? What magazines are you looking at? What DVDs are you buying and watching? What are you choosing to watch on the internet? Who are you letting feed your spirit on social media? It all starts with you. You make the decision. 

The devil is doing his job. You’re just not doing yours. It’s written, “Resist the devil, and he will flee.” You don’t resist, he’s not going anywhere. If you know you shouldn’t watch certain shows because it vexes you, makes you feel some type of way or some kind of way, then you take the initiative, make the choice to not watch said show. I’m not going to sit here and say that’s an easy choice to make. It’s like if you exercise something they always say is push your body past the pain. In other words, force your body to do what it doesn’t want to do. Your flesh wants to continue to be in bondage because it’s used to the chains. But if you want to be free, you got to force your body to change. It’s not going happen instantly for most of us. Not saying it can’t happen instantly, because it can, but I wouldn’t go in thinking that it will happen instantly. I’ve heard it said you got to make a habit of not doing the habit.

Now I could use clichés and say, “Jesus breaks every fetter” or “There is power in the name of Jesus to break every chain” but when you don’t use the name of Jesus, then what? Jesus works, don’t get me wrong, but if you’re not willing to use the name, don’t get mad if it feels that nothing is happening. You can hold the remote all you want, but that alone is not going to change the channel. You got to push some buttons and make something happen. Holding the phone is not going to make the phone call for you. You got to make some moves to put that call into action.

Don’t blame the phone if you don’t know how to use it. Don’t blame Jesus, if you don’t know how to call him. Don’t blame the Bible, if you’ve never opened it and read it.

Stay saved, 

Daniel Richerson

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