Thursday, April 14, 2011


History is important. Without history, there would be no today.  Whether the history is good or bad, it brought us to where we are today. We all got that? Good.

Everything and everybody has an origin. We all have a past whether we're proud of it or not, it has happened and we can't change it. We can't change the fact that we were born into this world. The origin of something doesn't necessarily dictate the outcome. The history of something doesn't necessarily dictate the outcome. I'll use myself as an example. Growing up, I was shy. I barely talked to anybody. When a mic come in front of my face at church to sing, I would cry just about every time. Now, I do youtube videos, podcasts talking a lot. Now, I lead songs at church no longer crying out of fear of people.

So I bring up the subject of the origin and history of things because I saw a tweet talking about Easter being a Pagan holiday, and people using that as a reason not to celebrate Easter. Christians use Easter to celebrate the resurrection of Jesus from the tomb. I've even seen posts some time ago talking about Christmas starting off as a Pagan holiday, and as everybody knows, Christians use Christmas to celebrate the birth of Jesus. You know what I say? So what? So what it started off as a Pagan holiday. So what the Catholics tried to tie both ends against the middle to keep safe. Does it hurt anything using December 25 to celebrate the birth of Jesus? Does it hurt anything that this time of the year is used to celebrate the death and resurrection of Jesus? No. So why make a big deal of it? Yes, I agree it's important to know the history, but there's no need to dwell on history.

If we dwelt on history, none of you Christians and Religious folks would have anything to do with me. After second grade, I hardly ever applied myself in school. In middle school, I would skip school because I missed the bus. In middle and high school, I was a master at cheating on test and quizzes. Did I pay for it? I'm still paying for it. But what I'm saying is, history happened. All that happened. The consequences from those actions have and are continuing to take it's toll. One of my many faults is that I often spend time worrying about the choices I made as if I can change what I did and didn't do. What I should be doing is making choices now that I will affect my future. My past is not good. It's wicked. Just this morning I repented to God of a bad habit that I've had since middle school. So now, I turn around from the decisions I made before and press on towards the future. My past is over. What I did was wicked and wrong, but that was then and this is now. I got to worry about now to make my future more great.

Get what I'm saying? We all got a history and a past. Some of you have a way more corrupted and wicked past than I do, but life still went on didn't it? Despite of your past, some of y'all have become very successful. Some have gotten saved and are now preaching the Gospel. Some have gotten saved and are now singing the Gospel. I mean let's look at Paul from the Bible. He started off killing Christians, right? Who knew that he was going to become a major prophet for God? Paul? The one that used to be Saul and was killing off Christians? Don't dwell on your past. Work on your now to make your future better. That goes for me too. I'm definitely preaching or "blogging" to myself with this one.

Thanks for reading. I hope you got something out of it. I hope you share with your friends, family, enemies, and everybody you're connected to. Be sure to follow me on here. If you don't have an account to this site, you can use your twitter to follow me. Speaking of Twitter, my Twitter and Facebook is on your right. You can also get at me on Podomatic, DailyBooth, and YouTube. Share your comments below, and God willing, I'll be back next week.

Stay Saved,

Daniel aka Big Dusty

P.S. If you want to email me, get at me at

1 comment:

  1. Excellent advice! Dwelling on the past wastes the present and future. I love the Scripture that says that God will destroy the years that the locusts have eaten. He can redeem our present, future, and even use the past for good!


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