Thursday, November 18, 2010

I am not a grown man...yet

We know the phrase, we quote the phrase, "Age ain't nothing but a number." I got to thinking about that. I was on the phone with this lady on Monday, and she called me a grown "A" man. Yes, this grown lady actually said, "A." Side bar: if you're a cusser, than just say the word. "A?" Really? Anyway, I guess based upon my age, 23, that she put it together that I was a grown man. Why? Because of my age? My age does not make me a grown man. My facial hair doesn't make me a grown man. I do not consider myself a grown man. I'm a 23 year old boy. I have no job. I live with my dad. I am not a grown man. How's that for honesty?

In my opinion, the action makes the man more than the age. As my actions change, as my choices change, I think that's more of the man I will become. I think the more I mature get, the more I look for a job, the more I act like a man, the more of a man I will become. There's a lot have grown boys like me out there. Again, I know legally I'm a grown man, but mentally, I'm not there, yet. But I will be there one day. I still have a lot of things to work on.

What's your opinion? Share your thoughts below.

Thanks for reading!

Stay saved,

Daniel Richerson

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