Friday, July 06, 2007

Reality Chapter 1

Daniel got up this morning and thought that things were going to be different. He thought that he’d actually go outside the house and do something productive. Once again, though, he found himself sitting in front of the computer chatting and posting on message boards. That seemed to be his life ever since he messed up in college. What happened is that Daniel was on probation, meaning that he had to keep his grade point average up to a certain level through out the semester. So at the beginning of the semester Daniel told himself that he was going to study more and do whatever he could to pass. So for the first few weeks he was doing just that. Reading what he had to read, doing his homework, etc. Then all of the sudden, a feeling of laziness came over him. He didn’t do much of nothing. Of course in his mind he was trying as hard as he could, but in reality he wasn’t doing anything productive school wise. Amazingly he passed Physics with a C, but as far as the other classes, well here we are.

“Daniel, what are you going to do? You can’t just sit here. Look, I’m going to see if I can get you something going at my job. I’m not going to promise anything, ok? I just don’t want you sitting around the house all summer, especially if you’re on probation from going to school in the fall. You need something to get you some money in your pocket. You do want to do something besides mowing lawns right?”

I nodded.

“Ok, well like I said I’m going to try to get you something.”

“Thank you, mom.”

Daniel’s mom left the house leaving Daniel sitting at the computer thinking, once again about his life. He looked at his cell phone and saw that he got no calls or text messages which weren’t a real shocker. Daniel hardly got any of those. It wasn’t really a bad thing to him because most of the time he could care less. There was one girl he would think about often and she probably does not give a flying two quarters about him, but he didn’t care. It was just one of many fantasies running through Daniel’s head. He never really had any temptation to deal with, just a whole bunch of fantasies. Not necessarily a good thing but—wait a minute, she just signed on. Daniel’s going to try to IM her.

“Big d aka Daniel says: Hi!”

Maybe he’ll get an answer this time. A few minutes later and there was still no answer. She does have dial up internet so Daniel gave it a little more time. Another few minutes passed by and still no answer, so Daniel exited out the conversation and left it alone. By the way the girl’s name is Briana. She is an up and coming Christian rapper out of Texas. She one of the nicest women Daniel has ever chatted with.

“PraiZe says: hey hey”

“Big d aka Daniel says: hey man”

“PraiZe says: What’s up?”

“Big d aka Daniel says: n2m just chillin, and you?”

“PraiZe says: same, just woke up lol”

Daniel didn’t think it was funny at all but he went along with it.

“Big d aka Daniel says: heh”

The conversation went dead for a few minutes after that. Daniel got bored and turned the computer off. He figured since nobody was chatting, no body would mind. He then went to his room and fell asleep.

1 comment:

  1. Hey D,
    I like Reality Chapter 1. :) I'm about to go read Chapter 2. Great to read your stuff again, D.


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