Happy 2025!
I've gone back and forth with what I wanted to blog about. Then I came across a cover of a song that many consider a classic. That song is Dream On by Aerosmith. I've always liked the song, but the way I heard the artist J Paul sang the song dare I say ministered to me in a such a way to, not to be corny, to dream on. I've been stagnant in my writing and other things that I'm passionate about. Reasons varying to mostly lack of motivation. When I listened to J Paul's cover of Dream On, he adlibbed, "Dreamers keep dreaming. Singers just keep singing. Writers just keep writing."
"Dream until your dreams come true."
We all got gifts. We all have dreams. I believe God gives us dreams for reason. Just because others in your family gave up on their dreams, doesn't mean you have too. Dream until your dreams come true. It is written, "What is your life? For you are a mist that appears for a little time and then vanishes." Song writer said, "Tomorrow may never come. For you or me, Life is not promised." Go after your dreams while you can because "maybe tomorrow the good Lord will take you away."
We all have our own specific assignment. Song writer said, “No one God created is quite like you
No one earth is quite the same
In the body of Christ there's a need for your life
There's a work, there's an assignment just for you
There's a purpose for that gift that lies in you”
I was at work the other day and I heard a voice say, "This is not your final destination."
So dream on people. Don't let the doubts of anybody stop your from dreaming. Even if they're so called friends and family. Don't let self doubt stop you.
And that's all I got for this first blog of 2025. I hope this finds you well, and I hope you're encouraged to dream on and keep on.
Stay Saved,
Daniel Richerson
Dream On (J Paul's cover) - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wLzau26-TUg